I eat this for breakfast every morning after my morning routine on days that I work out (on rest days just eggs), and I’m serious when I say that it tastes better than ice cream.
This breakfast:
- Tastes awesome
- Is healthy
- Is low-cost
- Has good macros (I eat carbs in the AM then mostly protein and fat after working out)
- Takes about 5 minutes to make, with hardly any clean up afterwards
What you’ll need:
- Raw oats (I use exactly 1 metric cup)
- Yogurt (Greek yogurt is ideal but regular is just fine)
- A piece of fruit (Apple, banana, or pear work the best)
Step 1: Put the oats in a bowl
Step 2: Add Yogurt and stir it around
(The oats stay raw)
You want to put in enough yogurt so that all the oats all stick together and there is a thick consistency. To avoid it becoming too wet or soggy, start with a little yogurt and then add more as necessary.
Step 3: Cut the fruit up into chunks

Step 4: Add fruit to bowl and mix it in

That’s it! You can also add chia seeds, hemp hearts, or cinnamon. Cinnamon works best if you’re using banana.
I have been eating this almost every single day for over a year now, and it’s one of the best parts of my morning.
This meal is great because you get a solid amount of fibre, a good mix of slow and (healthy) fast digesting carbs, and if you do use Greek yogurt then quite a bit of protein as well. This will keep you going energetically until lunch, and there is no crash because the oats are slow digesting.
Read next: How to “80/20” Your Nutrition with 5 Simple Rules
Looks good, right? A lot of people think it’s weird because I don’t cook the oats. Try it out for yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments section below.