Have you ever heard someone say “Most people can’t [___________]”?
A person will be describing their goals or aspirations for success and then someone else will say, “Don’t you know that most people can’t [___________]“?
Most people can’t – fill in the blank however you want.
Most people can’t get rich.
Most people can’t be successful entrepreneurs.
Most people can’t escape the system.
Most people can’t travel the world.
Most people can’t get a hot girlfriend.
Most people can’t bang many girls.
Most people can’t make a living doing what they love.
Most people can’t be good looking.
Most people can’t have lots of friends or ‘be popular’.
Most people can’t be exceptionally fit or healthy.
Most people can’t have freedom of location or freedom of time.
And so on.
When someone says,“Most people can’t [___________]”, they’re not even wrong. Most people can’t do shit.
The problem isn’t the statement itself, but the implication that comes along with it –
When someone says, “Most people can’t [___________]”, often what they’re really saying is, “Most people can’t [___________] and that means you can’t do it either“.
I used to think this actually made sense. Hmm, you’re right, I would think. If most people can’t do it, then my chances probably aren’t good either. Maybe I should just forget about it.
I’ve since changed my line of thinking here, and I would invite you to do the same.
When someone says, “Most people can’t [___________]”, you don’t even have to disagree. Just think to yourself, Sure that’s fine, most people can’t – but I can.
Because the truth is, if you are reading this site and you like it then you are not ‘most people’ anyway – and there’s absolutely no need to pretend that you are.
When you no longer identify with ‘most people’, you’re suddenly free to do whatever you want. It doesn’t matter what most people are doing – you are just doing what you’re doing.
I’m not most people and neither are you. And it does not fucking matter in the slightest what most people can or cannot do.
In fact if you want to improve your life, I would encourage you to completely FORGET about what most people can do altogether. It’s simply not a good standard to live by.
That standard won’t apply to you anymore, just as soon as you don’t want it to. Set your own standards instead and next time you hear “Most people can’t [___________]” just remember, OK, maybe they can’t – but I can.